As I wrap up the end of this project having started in the first week after learning of the assignment in September I sadly close this album. I have encountered many family stories and fantastic photographic opportunities within this endeavor. As I re-created the images and put together the final album mixing together the re-created images, a selected grouping of Edwin's collection and two studio photographs taken of Edwin's personal effects. These photographs are put together within an album that I found in a store near the University of Toronto campus. This album I felt added to Edwin's history as he was a conservationist and loved taking photos of flowers within his body of work. The photographs are accompanied with a short write up of what appears in the album and this blog acts as the second digital component of the overall project.
Through this entire journey I feel like I have succeeded in finding my ancestor and fellow image artist and the forgotten photographer.
Lizz Hodgson
Pieces that do not appear in the final album: